Inner child work is about validating, nurturing, and guiding your younger parts — essentially reparenting yoursenlf — so that you can look around and be present to see the ways that as an adult you will never be trapped like you were as a child. As an adult, we can provide the healing for our young parts that they did not receive.
Learn to use the Feedback Wheel to navigate difficult conversations with your partner and be a better communicator. Hint: It’s not about who’s “right.”…
Our partners can trigger us. If that feels like an understatement, you’re not alone. People often choose partners who seem tailor-made to hit their sensitive spots and activate defensive reactions.
Let’s face it, dating can be a rollercoaster of emotions: the trepidation before a first date, the feeling of living for that text reply, the intoxicating longing of a new crush, the pang of ghosting or rejection, and the euphoria that can come from finally finding a spark.
Compromise. It’s a word people often use when doling out relationship advice. We hear that it’s necessary but that too much compromise can lead to resentment. So, how can you make a willing sacrifice without losing yourself?